
Friday, May 22, 2015

Pixie Down...

Things have slowed way down here at Pixie Central. We all caught a bug that has really done a number on us.
I haven't picked up a hook in days. My head spins at the thought of trying to concentrate.

Hubby is sick too. I love him so much. But he is a whiny fellow when he doesn't feel good. You know. Moaning. Groaning. And full on Felix Unger noises. Always fun to listen to when you are laying in bed surrounded by buckets and tissues and thinking "This is it. I'm dying.". And then hubby thoughtfully honks and reminds you that you are still here. Still alive. Or is this Hell? Ugh...

This morning I thought we may be turning the corner. Fingers crossed. Hubby even braved going to work. He was so sweet. He called me 7 times to check on me. Or was it to make those noises? My head was still spinning so I can't say for sure...

And then, just when you think you can't go on, you open your eyes and this sweet face is beside you. Looking at you like you are her whole world. So much love in those beautiful eyes. And she doesn't mind a bit when you honk into your tissues...

Maybe my poor hubby isn't the only moaning, groaning, honking one. Shhhh...

Anyway, miss you all more than you know. Hope all is well in your world...